Defender Paws™ Premium Dog Food

DEFENDER PAWS™ offers premium dog food formulas that have been engineered to accommodate the high performance nutritional needs of working K9s, hunting season, all sports, and active lifestyles. All DEFENDER PAWS™ dog food formulas contain a high level of protein and a low level of carbohydrates to provide a combination that offers benefits such as smaller firmer feces, less food consumption required, and fewer bowel movements. Every DEFENDER PAWS™ dog food formula provides extreme nutrient dense properties required by active, sport, and working K9s.

super healthy dog food
shop healthy dog food

Defender 28 lb Bag

For All Life Stages

premium dog food

DefenderPlus™ 28 lb Bag

For All Life Stages

Super Dog Food

SuperDefender™ 20 lb Bag

For All Life Stages